Thursday, July 27, 2023

Daily Devotion: My Disciples by J. R. Miller, 1895

Bible Reading: John 8:30-45 KJV 

Key Verse:  "Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;"
John 8:31 KJV

It is not enough to begincontinuance is necessary. Mere enrollment will not make one a scholar; the pupil must continue in the school through all the long course, until he has mastered every branch. One who has observed the course of men for many years, says that success in life depends upon staying power. The reason for failure in most cases—is lack of perseverance. Men get tired and give up. There are thousands who begin to follow Christ—but who, when discouragements come, faint and drop out.

To continue in Christ's word—is to obey him. We must do it continuously too; not today only—but tomorrow as well, and tomorrow, and tomorrow, unto the end.

There is another way of abiding in the word of Christ. Many of his words are promises. The forests in summer days are full of bird-nests. They are hidden among the leaves. The little birds know where they are; and when a storm arises, or when night draws on, they fly each to his own nest. So the promises of God are hidden in the Bible, like nests in the great forests; and there we should fly in any danger or alarm, hiding there in our soul's nest until the storm be over and past. There are no castles in this world so impregnable, as the words of Christ.

Are you Saved?

Daily Devotion: Christ Explains The Spiritual Nature Of The Law by Favell Lee Mortimer

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