- John 5:40 KJV
It is very important for us to consider this subject, because the same reasons cause men now to despise Christ. Why are they so careless about religion? Why do they treat the Bible as if it were not true? Is it because there is not proof enough? No! but because Jesus is too holy to suit the taste of sinners.
If we were to visit heathen countries we would find the people devoted to their idols—as the Scripture says, "mad upon their idols." (Jer. 50:38.) You have heard of the car of Juggernaut, in India. When it came forth, with what transports of joy it was viewed! Thousands traveled over sultry plains to attend it on its way; hundreds pressed forward to drag it along; some even threw themselves beneath its wheels, ready to be crushed in honor of the frightful idol that sat enthroned upon the ponderous machine. Why are people so fervent in the worship of idols? Because they imagine that these idols will indulge them in sin. The Roman Catholics show the same zeal in their religion of forms and ceremonies. They are ready to spend their money in decking images with flowers, and in illuminating the pictures of saints with candles. Men are willing to do anything to please God—but to give up their sins.
And why is it that they have no taste for a holy and spiritual Savior? Because they have a taste for the world. Why is it they do not love God? Because they love the world. Jesus pointed out this reason to his enemies. He said, "How can you believe, which receive honor one of another?" They cared for the opinion of their fellow men; therefore they would not come to a despised Savior.
But, O how foolish were they to prefer the honor that mortal man could give, above the honor that the everlasting God could bestow! What shame will overwhelm them at the last day, when even Moses, the prophet in whom they professed to trust, will disown them! Had they believed his writings they would have believed the Savior's words; for Moses had plainly declared, in Deuteronomy 18, that God would raise up a prophet like himself to be the teacher of the Jews; and such a prophet was Christ. When they shall see the Lord appear in all his glory surrounded by his saints, and among them Moses and all the prophets, they will feel ashamed of their treatment of that blessed Savior. Would we enjoy true honor hereafter, we must now faithfully cleave to His despised name, and to His despised people. We must not inquire, "What will the world think of me, if I follow this command of the Lord Jesus?" but we must only ask, "Will God approve my conduct?"
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