Sunday, December 17, 2023

Daily Devotion: Universal Improvement by James Meikle

Bible Reading: Ephesians 5:12-19 KJV 

Key Verse:  "Redeeming the time, because the days are evil."
Ephesians 5:16 KJV

As there is not a moment of time but I must account for, so there is nothing that happens me but I should improve. Miseries I should improve—to remind me of my pedigree, that my first father has sinned. Mercies I should improve—in admiring the fountain whence, and the freeness with which they flow. Prosperity I should improve—in cheerful devotion. Adversity I should improve—in consideration. Riches I should improve—in charity.

Poverty I should improve—in contentment. Opportunity of revenge I should improve—in a frank forgiveness, and doing good for evil. Evil company I should improve—in raising my estimate of the people of God. Death of loved ones I should improve—in loosening my affections from the creature, raising them to the immortal world, and remembering my latter end. Sickness I should improve—in preparing for my eternal change. 

Health I should improve—in a cheerful performance of Christian, relative, and social duties. Knowledge I should improve—in testing everything, and holding fast that which is best. Crosses and losses I should improve—in learning the vanity of the world. Answers to prayer I should improve—in returns of praise. Delays I should improve—in patience. Disappointments I should improve—in resignation. 

Changes in my lot I should improve—in submission. The uproar of kingdoms I should improve—in remembering that God rules the nations, and stills the tumults of the people. Temptation to sin I should improve—in flying to the grace of God, distrusting self, and improving the promise. The treacherous friend I should improve—in adoring the faithfulness of God. Strife and discord in church or state I should improve—in admiring the eternal happy state; when the adorers are one before the throne. 

Spiritual blessings I should improve—in humility. Spiritual desertions I should improve—in holy diligence. God's corrections I should improve—in amendments. Gifts I should improve—for edification of others. Time I should improve—for eternity. Grace I should improve—for glory. And my soul in all her faculties I should improve—for God.

Are you Saved?

Daily Devotion: Stand Strong by J. R. Miller

Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 16:13-20 KJV   Key Verse:  " Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong. " - ...