Friday, September 13, 2024

Daily Devotion: All Things Work Together For Good by J.C. Philpot

Bible Reading: Romans 8:26-33 KJV 

Key Verse:  "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."
Romans 8:28 KJV

To look at all our varied circumstances; and then to believe that if we are the lovers of God, all things we experience are working together for our spiritual good, what a view does it give us of the wisdom, grace, and power of a wonder-working God! And we are to measure this good, not by what the creature thinks, but by what God himself has declared to be good in his word, and what we have felt to be good in our soul's experience.

Have your trials humbled you, made you meek and lowly? They have done you good. Have they stirred up a spirit of prayer in your bosom, made you sigh, cry, and groan for the Lord to appear, visit, or bless your soul? They have done you good. Have they opened up those parts of God's word which are full of mercy and comfort to his afflicted people? Have they stripped off the covering that is too narrow? Have they made you more sincere, more earnest, more spiritual, more heavenly-minded, more convinced that the Lord Jesus can alone bless and comfort your soul? They have done you good. Have they been the means in God's hand of giving you a lift in hearing the preached word, of opening your ears to hear none but the true servants of God, those who enter into a tried path, and describe a gracious experience? Have they made the Bible more precious to you, the promises more sweet, the dealings of God with your soul more prized? They have done you good.

Are you Saved?

Daily Devotion: Love Not The World by J.C. Philpot

Bible Reading:  1 John 2:15-22 KJV   Key Verse:  " Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the...