- Romans 8:28 KJV
When sight says, "All these things are against me," let faith rebuke the hasty conclusion, and say, "Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?" How often does God hedge up your way with thorns — to elicit simple trust! How seldom can we see all things so working for our good! But it is better discipline to believe it. Oh! for faith amid frowning providences, to say, "I know that Your judgments are good;" and, relying in the dark, to exclaim, "Though He slays me — yet will I trust Him!"
Blessed Jesus! to You are committed the reins of this universal empire. The same hand that was once nailed to the cross — is now wielding the scepter on the throne, "all power in Heaven and in earth is given unto You." How can I doubt the wisdom, and the faithfulness, and love, of the most mysterious earthly dealing — when I know that the Scroll of Providence is thus in the hands of Him who has given the mightiest pledge Omnipotence could give — of His tender interest in my soul's well-being, by giving Himself for me?
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